MISSION STATEMENT The Assessment Committee is a standing sub-committee of the Academic Senate. Its purview is over curricular outcomes and assessments. In addition to chairing the Assessment Committee and reporting directly to the Academic Senate, the Assessment Coordinator sits on all committees that have a direct impact on outcomes and assessments including Curriculum Tech Review, and the Academic Program Review Committee.
MEMBERSHIP DETAILS Membership is open to all. We would ideally have representation from every division. If you would like to find out more information about the committee and/or would like to join, please contact Andrew Wesley.
ASSESSMENT POLICIES Under section 19, “Workload”, of the current CTA Contract, 19.1.3 states: “All faculty will develop and assess SLOs/SAOs.” The current Assessment Handbook suggests that full-time faculty assess at least three (3) courses within a given semester, while part-time/adjunct faculty need only assess one (1) course.
COMPENSATION Full-time assessment submissions are considered a component of their contractual obligations and do not receive extra compensation. Part-time/adjunct faculty are entitled up to seven (7) hours of compensation at CAT 3 pay per semester for assessments, program review, and/or curriculum work.
Beginning Fall 2017, all SLO assessments will be inputted by faculty in CurricUNET META. Refer to the Fall Flex Training Materials and the Assessment Handbook for more details on student learning outcome assessments.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are a part of the official outline of record. To see the most current SLOs and success criteria for a course, choose the Course button and search. For the most current PLOs, select the Program button and search. You can tell they are current and updated in META if the SLOs or PLOs are displayed with the success criteria and ILO mapping.
Beginning Fall 2017, all SLO assessments will be inputted by faculty in CurricUNET META. Refer to the Fall Flex Training Materials and the Assessment Handbook for more details on student learning outcome assessments.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are a part of the official outline of record. To see the most current SLOs and success criteria for a course, choose the Course button and search. For the most current PLOs, select the Program button and search. You can tell they are current and updated in META if the SLOs or PLOs are displayed with the success criteria and ILO mapping.