Solano Community College Career Center provides employment services free of charge for the benefit of our students, alumni and the employer community at large. We do require that employment offerings pay the prevailing minimum wage applicable in the State of California.
Our preferred method to receive your employment information is via e-mail. In your communication please include:
A job description
The qualifications that you are looking for
Schedule (number of hours/week; flexible or not)
The way you want the applicants to get in touch with you
Your complete business name, address, contact information
Anything else you see as being pertinent (such as benefits, working conditions, etc).
Access the Job Request Form. If assistance is needed, please call (707) 864-7124
You can fax or mail the job request form to: SCC Career Center 4000 Suisun Valley Road Fairfield, CA 94534 FAX: (707) 646-2070
Note: We will register your company and post your first job(s) here at the Career Center. Once you are registered with our online database, you will receive a user ID and a password that will be assigned for your company/organization. This information allows you to search for student resumes that are posted online and/or post-edit your job openings. However, we will gladly keep entering jobs for you as position vacancies become available and sent to us. Please call or e-mail to have your job listing removed once the position has been filled. To cancel your job listing, please call (707) 864-7124.